Design and drawing
Efficient support for technical projects
A dedicated design & drawing team
In October 2021, Solid Talent nv took over the activities of the West-Flemish design and drawing office Venneman bv. This acquisition was the starting point for the development of a dedicated design and drawing department within Solid Talent. Thanks to our new internal team, we can help you even better and faster with the preparation, follow-up and delivery of your projects.
From drawing to follow-up
Our design and drawing department provides technical assistance for the preparation, execution and delivery of your projects. We are happy to assist you with design and study assignments, 2D and 3D drafting, updating your drawings, site follow-ups, technical coordination, work preparation and commissioning, and technical calculations.
Over 20 years of experience
Our design and drafting specialists have over 20 years of hands-on experience with a variety of technical assignments. We work at our own offices, but we are also happy to work at your office for shorter or longer assignments.
We have a thorough knowledge of Autocad, Schemacadsteps, Pidcadsteps, Catia, Eplan, autocad electrical and Microstation. If desired, we are also happy to work with other drawing packages.
Why Solid?
Our values
Our focus
How do we work?
Importance of the team
Looking for the perfect design & drawing team?
The perfect project team? For us, that means a team whose members are completely in tune with each other. Our consultants often work together and they each have their own expertise to contribute at the right moment.
Read our recent publications
Solid Talent op de Veiligheidsdag van Arcelor Mittal
Op 28 april was Solid Talent aanwezig op de Veiligheidsdag van Arcelor Mittal. Daar testten we de veiligheidskennis van de werknemers. Hoe? Dat lees je hier.
Tijd besparen bij je turnaround? Vermijd deze veelgemaakte fouten.
Staat er een turnaround op de planning? Door enkele veelgemaakte fouten te vermijden kun je tijd besparen en binnen je budget blijven. Ontdek ze hier!
5 redenen om je onderhoudsstop niet te lang uit te stellen
Staat er een onderhoudsstop op de planning bij jouw bedrijf? Hier lees je waarom je daar best niet te lang mee wacht.
Download our ebook
We could write whole books about Design and Drawing. And that is exactly what we have done! A bundled, brief and powerful overview of 20 years of advancing insight. All for you. Download our ebook about Design and Drafting below.
Looking for the right partner for your project?
Are you searching for the right talents for your project, or do you want to outsource a project? We’ll make sure you meet your deadlines. Safely, on time, within budget and hassle-free. Discover how we can help you below.